In March 1953, there were frequent mahjong sounds in an apartment on the fourth floor of a building on Nathan Road. This has happened for consecutive nights and there were even people ordering takeout from that house, but when paying for the food, only a hand came out to hand over the money. At first, nothing seemed strange or paranormal about that apartment. However, after returning to the restaurant, it was found that all the money received had turned into the white paper.
The police arrived to inspect the scene and went to the street across to look at the fourth-floor unit. To their surprise, they can hear the sound of mahjong, but can’t see anyone. The incident attracted thousands of onlookers and even newspaper reporters, but no one dared to go upstairs and knock on the door.
In the end, the police had to seal off the apartment unit. After that, the inspector and case reporter suddenly disappeared and were never to be found. In the end, the incident was dropped with no answers, but you are very curious about it and you don’t hesitate to go back to the apartment unit to find out the truth…
1953年3月,彌敦道一幢大廈的一個四樓單位頻頻傳出麻雀聲,令人難以置信的是連續幾晚都有人叫外賣,屋內卻只有一隻手伸出來交接,完全見不到屋內環境,甚至叫外賣者的容貌。這本來亦無甚麼特別,但是回到舖頭後,竟發現剛才收的錢全部變成白紙。 警察到場視察,甚至走到對面街望向這個單位,現場所有人(連警察在內)都只聽到麻雀聲而不見有人打牌。事件引來過千市民圍觀以及報紙記者採訪,但始終無人敢上樓拍門。 據報最後警方只好封鎖該單位,經過一輪擾攘後,傳言說當天有份調查的警員及報警者都一一消失不見,遍尋不獲,事件最後不了了之。
6 Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay
銅鑼灣 霎東街6號
☏: +852 2892 2393
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Fri: 12:00 – 22:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 22:00
3/F, 67-71 Argyle Street, Mong Kok
(Mong Kok MTR Exit D2)
旺角 亞皆老街67-71號 3樓
☏: +852 2390 0093
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Fri: 12:00 – 22:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 22:00
Shop 304, D2 Place Two,
15 Cheung Shun Street, Lai Chi Kok
荔枝角 長順街15號 D2 Place 二期 304舖
☏: +852 2890 2093
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Thur: 13:00 – 19:00
Fri: 13:00– 20:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 20:00
Shop B102, The Pulse,
28 Beach Rd, Repulse Bay
香港 淺水灣 海灘道28號
The Pulse B102舖
☏: +852 6037 5945
🕙 Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 19:00
Shop B24-B25, B1/F, Treasure World (Site 11),
The Whampoa
☏: +852 2890 3003
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Thur: 12:00 – 19:00
Fri: 12:00 – 20:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 21:00
(Last game start on Mon–Thur 18:45)
Play Park Shop UB06, New Town Plaza Phase One, 18 Sha Tin Centre St, Sha tin
沙田 沙田正街18號 新城市廣場一期
Play Park UB06舖
☏: +852 2890 3029
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Thur: 12:00 – 19:00
Fri: 12:00 – 20:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 21:00
(Last game start on Mon–Thur 18:45)