LOST 一直致力於創作出不同的遊戲體驗,這一次把劇本殺加以改良,將劇本殺實境化,混合了密室逃脫,結合角色扮演,具備「解謎題」、「動機關」、「搜證據」、「找主謀」、「尋真相」等懸疑推理元素讓大家共同調查案件的始末。參與者須在一個配備了音效、燈光、道具、及各種機關的真實場景內擔任自己的角色並且進行任務,因此整個劇本必須靠眾人的參與才能向前推進,將整個故事還原,透過每位玩家的劇情細節推理出案件的真相, 切記每個角色的劇情都有關連,才能結合整個故事的每個篇章。 「角色逃殺」遊戲過程中並沒有演員,整個過程靠玩家把角色帶入的程度越深,越能沉浸在故事劇情帶來的情緒張力中。遊戲適合四人或以上,遊戲時間為60分鐘,真相,永遠只有一個!

LOST has always been committed to creating different game experiences. This time, We’ll be taking a unique spin on Live Action Role Playing games (LARP) and created a different kind of game with room escape elements. Role Play Escape Games combine the story writing of LARP games, with our signature escape room’s “puzzle solving”, “mechanisms”, and “clue searching”. In this new type of game you’ll need to find the mastermind and uncover the truth behind the whole incident. Everyone has to part in the game and play their roles in order to figure other the order of events. Players will be placed in a real scene equipped with sound effects, lights, props, and various gadgets. Therefore, the entire game must rely on the participation of everyone to move forward and piece together the entire story. Each player’s back story will be integral to the story and every detail may be related to the truth of the mystery. We hope the setting of each game will help the players immerse into the game and let them have fun pretending to be someone else. The game is suitable for four or more players, the game time is 60 minutes, and remember… There is always only one truth!
The Origin of the LARP games: Participants will be randomly assigned to play different roles in the script. Then, according to the development of the plot, they will start deducting and figure out the relationship between the characters, find evidence, and finally uncover the truth. LARPs are generally revolve around paper scripts and other paper prompts. The scripts LARPs are usually contain a lot of words and very strong reading and comprehension skills are required which means the game time is generally more than four hours.
真人角色扮演遊戲|劇本殺(LARP) Live Role-Playing Game|LARP
LOST 角色逃殺,顛覆了整個劇本殺(LARP)遊戲,打造了一個真人實景的角色扮演偵探推理遊戲。LARP 的意思就是Live Action Role Play 的簡寫,參與者根據遊戲房間內設置、間隔、道具擺設、電子機關、謎題線索、聲效燈光等等合作找出真相。遊戲時間設定為一個小時,參與者四至八人會抽出不同的角色來演繹進行劇本殺,團隊當中會有好人、壞人角色,互相要抽絲剝繭還原劇情,一方面要推理出嫌疑犯作案動機,另一方面要密室當中破解謎題觸發機關搜出重要證物,最後找出真相。
LOST Role Play Escape Game, re-imagined the idea of LARP and created a real-life role deduction game. LARP is an abbreviation of Live Action Role Play where participants have to cooperate and find out the truth based on the setting, props, electronic mechanisms,
auto-gadgets, clues, riddles, sound effects and lighting in the game room. The game time is set to one hour. 4 to 8 participants will choose different roles to perform scenarios. There will be good and bad characters in the group, and each other will have to unravel the secrets of the story. On one hand, it is necessary to deduct the suspect’s motive for committing the crime, on the other hand, It is necessary to hide as much information from the other players as possible or else that public information may be used against you…
劇本殺(LARP),最真實刺激的推理遊戲Live Action Role Play (LARP), the most realistic and exciting detective game
劇本殺是一個團體遊戲,也非常適合團隊訓練(team building),顧名思義劇本就是有不同的故事配合不同的角色,參與者由幾人到十幾人也可以,玩家將會選擇或被安排不同的角色然後每人有一份自己的劇本,為提高遊戲體驗,劇本殺裏面的劇本是不能分享予其他參與者,一方面可以保持神秘感,另一方面可以讓玩家自行發揮角色只要不偏離劇本設定就可以。遊戲玩法是各人分配不同角色之後,按照劇本尋找線索、重整事件經過、推理犯案動機、以及案發時間等等。嫌疑犯或兇手就是玩家其中一個,故此各人不可以分享自己的劇本,好讓你演繹角色或者誤導隊友,擔當兇手的就是不要讓人發現;擔當查案的就是要找出兇手。
LARP is a team game, which is also very suitable for team building, corporate training, team bonding, social activity. As the name suggests, the script has different stories with differentcharacters. The participants can be from a few to a dozen people. Players will be randomlyassigned different characters and each players have their own scripts. For the full game experience, the scripts in Role-Play Escape Games cannot be shared with other participants. On the one hand, it can maintain a sense of mystery, and on the other hand, it gives a clear sense of direction for the players on what they should or should not say and do. After each person is assigned a different role, they follow the script to find clues, reimagine the incident, find the time and motive of the crime. The suspect or the murderer is one of the players, so everyone can not share their own scripts, so part of the fun for the murderer is to use the information present to misdirect suspicion onto another player. The innocent players will have to use all the information present and make clear what is or is not related to the case.
LOST 獨創 - 突破傳統的多元化劇情LOST original creation - a Role Play Escape Game that breaks through tradition
Traditional LARP are played by small amount of participants in an ordinary room like a conference room for 4 to 6 hours. Each person holds a thick script with densely packed words and really requires patience. Players also need to have a rich imagination, because without a designed theme room, participants cannot have a fully immersed experience while retelling the script. The story in LARP usually revolve around homicides, so general LARP are usually not suitable for children.
有見及此,LOST 其中的副品牌LOST Junior也度身訂造了不同的歷險故事劇本殺,案件多元化,有尋找寶藏、有穿越時空、奪回記憶,好讓小朋友發揮團隊合作精神,暫時放下電子屏幕,運用小腦袋專注解謎,冷靜處理分析問題,鍛煉心智。
In view of this, the sub-brand of LOST, LOST Junior, has also tailor-made different story scripts catered towards children to experience and enjoy our Role-Play Escape Game (LARP). The scenarios are very diversified, including treasure hunts, time travel, and retrieving memories, so that children can play experience many different settings with their teammates and put down the electronic device for a certain time.
LOST 設計這一類型真人角色扮演推理遊戲,希望將最好的遊戲體驗帶給所有玩家,故此在場景設計及機關佈置一絲不苟,劇本編寫高潮迭起,時間控制也恰到好處,一個小時的遊戲不長亦不短,四至八人參與讓每人盡情發揮。
LOST designed the Role Play Escape Game, hoping to bring the best game experience to all players and help everyone’s deduction skills. Therefore, we’ve meticulously designed the scene and created different stories, the plot twists and turns make the amazing stories even more surprising. The duration of game is also a perfect set which is one hour, not too long and not too short, so that everyone can enjoy and act their best roles!.
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