About Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

LOST & FOUND sounds like sometimes we are “LOST” in our life so we need help to be “FOUND”.  Perhaps some people may feel lost in life, such as study, career, family, personal goals and direction.

In our well-designed escape games, LOST is committed to help people in need, especially children and young people, so that they can find the right direction by experiencing LOST. Some of them may complain about the lack of talents, opportunities, and health, so we created LOST & FOUND, because we realize that escape games closely mirroring your life. You may encounter many problems, you need to be with your friends and family to solve and overcome problems.

We will regularly cooperate with different government organizations, schools and NGOs to provide services to people in need, such as families living below the poverty line, autistic children, single-parent families, etc. The goal is to bringing them happiness throughout our games  and bring them a positive attitude.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has always been an important part of LOST. Therefore, over the years, we have cooperated with quite a lot NGOs, social welfare organizations, and church groups. Therefore, LOST is being recognized by different official organizations, such as Caring Company and ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme, Partner Employer Award. LOST & FOUND will continue the spirit of caring for community and bring the game experience, positive education, and positive thinking to the youth because we believe that happiness is priceless, happiness is regardless of seniority, rich or poor, background, skin color, happiness is a thing everyone to deserve it.

We also welcome different organizations or schools to contact us for different programs cooperation and serve the community.  The followings are some of our previous programs.


LOST & FOUND 意思就像人生道路上偶爾遇上「迷失」的時候,那麼我們就協助「尋回」。或許有些人可能會在生命中感到迷失,例如學業、事業、家庭、個人目標和方向。在我們精心設計的逃脫遊戲中,LOST致力於幫助有需要的人,尤其是兒童及青少年,讓他們在體驗LOST過程當中找到正確的方向。 當中的一些人可能埋怨先天欠缺才華、機會、健康, 因此我們創建了LOST&FOUND,因為我們意識到逃脫解謎遊戲就像生活的一面鏡子,您可能會遇到很多問題,您需要與您的朋友和家人一起解決這個問題、克服它,然後找到出路!


企業社會責任(CSR)一直是LOST重視的一環,故此多年來合作過無數的慈善機構(NGO)、社福機構、教會團體,因此得到不同的官方機構肯定,例如商界展關懷、ERB人才企業嘉許計劃、友商有良。LOST & FOUND 會一直延續關愛社會的精神將歡樂體驗、正向教育、正面思維帶給青少年及兒童,因為我們相信歡樂是無價的,歡樂是不分高低、貧富、背景、膚色,歡樂是人人可擁有的。


LOST x Po Leung Kuk

One of LOST’s charitable activities is to cooperate with Po Leung Kuk, the goal is to recruit those graduates to enter the job market, especially non-university students who want to join the insurance industry. Through our tailor-made escape room game, we will show you the four important roles in the insurance industry. We not only helped the insurance industry find suitable candidates, but also achieved the goal of Po Leung Kuk, opening up a way to guide graduates one their career paths.

LOST x 保良局

其中一個慈善活動是與保良局合作,目標是招募那些畢業生進入就業市場,尤其是保險行業的非大學年級學生。 通過我們度身定造的密室逃脫遊戲,向大家展示有關保險運作方式以及其中有四個重要的角色。 我們不僅幫助保險業找到合適的人選,而且實現了保良局的目標,打開指引畢業生事業的出路。

LOST x St. James' Settlement

LOST Junior, an authentic experience of learning while playing. Our belief is that “happiness” belongs to everyone, regardless of skin color, family background, or wealth. Therefore, we cooperated with St. James’ Settlement and sponsored our venue for ethnic minorities, so that they can have a great time!

LOST x 聖雅各福群會

LOST Junior,一個正宗玩中有學的體驗,我們的信念是「開心」應屬於每個人,不論膚色、家庭背景、財富。因此我們與聖雅各福群會合作,並贊助我們的場地給那些少數族裔兒童,讓他們玩得很開心!

LOST x Love Express

Love Express is our long-term partner who focuses on children with autism and looks for other resources to help them in their lives. LOST sponsored them by playing our game, and added a post-match review at the end to convey a positive message, “The way to look at others is to use actions instead of eyes, and the way to treat others is to be heart-warming. More than action.”

LOST x 愛傳遞

慈善團體之一Love Express是我們的長期合作夥伴,他們專注於自閉症兒童並尋找其他資源來幫助他們的生活。 此時,LOST通過玩我們的遊戲為他們提供贊助,並在末尾添加了一個賽後檢討,以傳達積極的信息,「看待別人的方式是用行動而不是眼睛,對待別人的方式是要心動而不止行動。」