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Corporate Training
Corporate training, also known as Corporate Education or more recently Workplace Learning, is a system of activities designed to educate employees. While it helps employers, it is also beneficial for employees as it helps them obtain and hone knowledge and skills to progress professionally and personally.
The responsibility of training the workforce is generally taken on board by Development or Talent teams in larger corporations and Human Resources in smaller companies. They are required to identify topics and needs of the corporate training programs and make them available for employees. They have a responsibility to build the strategy and roadmaps of employee experiences and journeys.
There is a common stigma around corporate training programs, where employees often struggle to see value in them because they are designed to highlight gaps or are very specific and only relevant to current positions. Hence, the role of L&D now is evolving to enable ongoing learning rather than control it.
Training is very important for a company, so many more companies take it seriously, even if it costs a lot of money, because the relationship between employees will affect the company’s work efficiency, and the time for company colleagues to meet may be shorter than that of family. So occasionally, you need to let your staff hang out and have some fun with each other.
Corporate Training Hong Kong
Nowadays, Corporate Training in Hong Kong is no longer traditional.Corporate Training in Hong Kong can be an art form. Great corporate trainers hold our attention, make us laugh, help us to fully understand complex subject matter and, most of all, inspire us.
Achieving this kind of engagement from your students takes practice and experience. But even if you’re new to teaching, you can make your corporate training as interesting as possible with just a few fresh ideas. Start with these nine fun Hong Kong Corporate Training ideas:
1. Make it relevant
First and foremost, to earn people’s attention, you need to make sure the content you’re delivering is useful to them. How do you learn exactly what they want out of your course? Ask them.
Conduct some initial research for your Corporate Training in Hong Kong with your target customers to shape your course content, or send a pre-event survey to your attendees so they can pinpoint problems or topics they’d like to hear about.
On the day of your Corporate Training in Hong Kong training, kick off by giving a brief overview of what attendees are going to learn and how those skills will help them achieve their goals.
2. Ditch the traditional Hong Kong Corporate Training presentation
People learn in different ways. Some of us are visual learners who prefer pictures, videos and diagrams, while others respond to spoken and written word, music, logic, or even physical activities.
To create an inclusive learning environment, try to combine traditional linguistic teaching methods with audio and visual presentations, written handouts, interactive tasks, and group work.
3. Change the Corporate Training in Hong Kong room layout
Training rooms are always laid out in the same way – rows of tables and chairs. Challenge the convention and surprise your attendees by perhaps providing beanbags instead of chairs, standing podium tables, or tables with just a few chairs to encourage small groups.
Your choice of venue can also have an impact on engagement. A space full of light, color and texture can prove far more inspiring than a bland, windowless meeting room.
4. Use props for Corporate Training in Hong Kong
Props can make your teaching even more engaging. These could be practical that literally represent your subject matter (think scales, an abacus, or a mannequin) or they could be ridiculous (try a rubber chicken or magic wand). Props liven up your session, and will help people remember what they learned.
5. Play games when conducting Corporate Training in Hong Kong
Need to keep your attendees focused? Tap into their competitive sides. Puzzles or riddles, crosswords, memory games, ordering tasks — all are great ways to keep your attendees engaged and on-task. For added drama, impose a time limit.
Try introducing a quick quiz at the end of each content section, helping recap on what’s been learned, and offer a small prize for the winner.
6. Corporate Training in Hong Kong can Tell a story
Whatever you’re teaching, try to make it relatable to everyday life by using real examples, case studies, and creative metaphors. People will sit still for hours watching a movie — why not steal some cinematic tricks?
Stories, in fact, are central to the way memory works. We search for narrative not just in media, but in everyday life. If you can find a way to integrate the information in your course into an overarching narrative, attendees will be more engaged, and have something to look forward to during breaks.
7. Play some tunes
Music can set the mood and get attendees energized before your session and during breaks. Play something upbeat to pump them up, and lower it back down to let them know it’s time to start.
You can also use music during the session – soothing classical pieces help people concentrate while completing tasks or group work.
8. Cut it in half
One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged is to not overload them with information. Give them too much, and their brains will simply shuts off.
Either make your session a maximum of two hours or, if it’s taking place over the course of a day, schedule in plenty of short breaks. Give attendees a chance to get up, walk around, and grab a cup of coffee.
Give them time to write and organize notes and assist them by providing pens, pads, sticky notes and highlighters.
9. Provide recognition and reward
Attendees will be more motivated to successfully complete the course if their efforts are recognized — and if they have something to show for it at the end.
Let attendees know they will receive personalized certificates to mark their participation. You should also consider extra incentives such as a competition or small prizes for the best students. Again: tap into those competitive streaks!
Corporate Training activities
Corporate Training activities in the form of Corporate Training games – Nowadays, many big corporation conduct their Corporate Training activities in the form of using team-building games, group activities – ideas and theory for employee motivation, training and development.
Here’s some guidance about using games and group activities for Corporate Training activities
Corporate Training games, exercises and activities help build teams, develop employee motivation, improve communications and are fun – for corporate organizations, groups, children’s development and even kids parties. Corporate Training games, exercises, activities and quizzes also warm up meetings, improve training, and liven up conferences.
These Corporate Training activities Corporate Training games ideas and rules will help you design and use games and exercises for training sessions, meetings, workshops, seminars or conferences, for adults, young people and children, in work, education or for clubs and social activities. Corporate Training games, exercises and activities can also enhance business projects, giving specific business outputs and organizational benefits.
Use Corporate Training activities to build up Teamwork
Great teamwork makes things happen more than anything else in organizations. Teamwork is fostered by respecting, encouraging, enthusing, caring for people, not exploiting or dictating to them.
At the heart of this Corporate Training activities approach is love and spirituality which helps bring mutual respect, compassion, and humanity to work. People working for each other in teams is powerful force, more than skills, processes, policies. More than annual appraisals, management-by-objectives, the ‘suits’ from head office; more than anything. Teams usually become great teams when they decide to do it for themselves – not because someone says so. Something inspires them maybe, but ultimately the team decides. It’s a team thing. It has to be. The team says: ‘Okay. We can bloody well make a difference. We will be the best at what we do. We’ll look out for each other and succeed – for us – for the team. And we’ll make sure we enjoy ourselves while we’re doing it’. And then the team starts to move mountains.
Using and planning team-building as Corporate Training activities
People are best motivated if you can involve them in designing and deciding the activities – ask them. Secondly you will gain most organisational benefit if the activities are geared towards developing people’s own potential – find out what they will enjoy doing and learning. Games can be trite or patronising for many people – they want activities that will help them learn and develop in areas that interest them for life, beyond work stuff – again ask them. When you ask people commonly you’ll have several suggestions which can be put together as a collection of experiences that people attend or participate in on a rotating basis during the day or the team-building event. Perhaps you have people among your employees who themselves have special expertise or interests which they’d enjoy sharing with others; great team activities can be built around many hobbies and special interests. If you are planning a whole day of team-building activities bear in mind that a whole day of ‘games’ is a waste of having everyone together for a whole day. Find ways to provide a mix of activities that appeal and help people achieve and learn – maybe build in exercises focusing on one or two real work challenges or opportunities, using a workshop approach. Perhaps involve a few employees in planning the day (under your guidance or not according to the appropriate level of delegated authority ) – it will be good for their own development and will lighten your load. See also the guide to facilitating experiential learning activities .
Corporate Training activities Team exercises and events for developing ethical organizations
Team-building exercises and activities also provide a wonderful opportunity to bring to life the increasing awareness and interest in ‘ethical organizations’ . These modern ethical business ideas and concepts of sustainability, ‘Fairtrade’, corporate social responsibility, the ‘triple bottom line’, love, compassion, humanity and spirituality , etc., are still not well defined or understood: people are unclear what it all means for them individually and for the organization as a whole, even though most people are instinctively attracted to the principles. Team-exercises and discussions help bring clarity and context to idealistic concepts like ethics and social responsibility far more effectively than reading the theory, or trying to assimilate some airy-fairy new mission statement dreamed up by someone at head office and handed down as an edict. Fundamental change has to come from within, with support from above sure, but successful change is ultimately successful because people ‘own’ it and see it as their change , not something handed down. See for example the Triple Bottom Line exercise .
Corporate events and social responsibility
Also consider the effects of Corporate Training and corporate events in terms of effects on employees’ families and people’s broader life needs. It is easy to become very narrowly focused on the organization and the community within it, without thinking of the families and social needs outside. Alcohol is another increasing area of risk for organizers of Corporate Training and conference events.
In Corporate Training activities, an employer’s duty of care (and potential liability) at corporate events traditionally was fulfilled by ensuring no-one tripped over the electrical cable for the overhead projector. Nowadays organizations have a deeper wider responsibility, which is progressively reflected in law. Alcohol and discrimination are big issues obviously, but arguably a bigger responsibility for employers is to the families and social well-being of employees, which impacts directly onto society as a whole.
Today’s well-led and ethically-managed corporations understand that divisive treatment of employees’ partners and families undermines loyalty and motivation of employees, and creates additional unnecessary stresses for workers in close loving caring relationships, especially for young families, which have evolved a strong sensitivity to such pressures.

Corporate Training Games
Give your organization an edge over the competition by introducing Escape games as your corporate training game.
There are many different forms of corporate training game activities, but most of them are related to the game, because more employees can relax and invest in the game. The cooperation between colleagues in the game can make everyone know each other and make everyone more aware There is more tacit understanding, and the form of the game is cooperative.
Corporate Training Games- Escape game
Escape game is one type of Corporate Training games. Escape room generally refers to a specific type of game. In this type of game, the player’s perspective is usually based on the first perspective (or the mode of using the third perspective to play the protagonist), and is often limited to an environment that is almost completely closed or threatens itself. Use the objects (tools) around you to complete the specified tasks (usually the way to solve specific puzzles), and finally achieve the purpose of escaping the area.