LOST Pop-Up brings the thrill of immersive experiences to life by gamifying popular intellectual properties (IPs) into one-of-a-kind, limited-time escape games. Imagine stepping into your favorite toy universe, exploring a beloved movie set, or even finding yourself in a world created by an iconic sportswear brand. Whether it’s a dining experience turned into a riddle-filled challenge or an interactive journey through educational themes, LOST Pop-Up transforms IPs into captivating adventures where you become part of the story.
Through these carefully crafted pop-ups, LOST collaborates with brands to create themed rooms that deliver unforgettable, sensory-driven experiences. Each pop-up is uniquely designed to showcase the essence of the IP—from the props and set design to puzzles and gadgets, every element is meticulously planned to enhance engagement and immersion. The result is an escape game that brings people closer to the brands they love, making it an exciting platform for fans of all ages to engage directly with their favorite IPs.
From corporate brands looking to offer an unconventional team-building activity to toy companies aiming to create a play-based learning environment, LOST Pop-Up tailors each game to align with the spirit and values of the brand, adding a touch of magic that allows everyone to experience these IPs in unexpected ways.
LOST Pop-Up 將熱門知識產權 (IPs) 融入獨一無二、限時開放的密室逃脫遊戲中,以遊戲化的方式將身訪體驗的刺激感呈現得淋漓盡致。想像一下,你走進了自己最喜愛的玩具世界,探索了心儀已久的電影場景,甚至置身於一個由標誌性運動品牌打造的奇幻世界。無論是將用餐體驗轉變為充滿謎題的挑戰,還是通過教育主题開展的互動旅程,LOST Pop-Up 都會將 IPs 轉化為引人入勝的歷險,讓你成為故事的一部分。
在這些精心打造的快閃店中,LOST 與各個品牌合作,打造出主題房間,為顧客帶來難忘且感官豐富的體驗。每個快閃店都獨具特色,旨在展現 IPs 的精髓——從道具和場景設計到謎題和高科技機關,每個細節都經過精心策劃,旨在提升互動性和沉浸感。最終的成果是一款密室逃脫遊戲,讓人們與自己喜愛的品牌更加親近,為各個年齡段的粉絲提供了一個與他們最愛的 IPs 直接互動的激動人心的平臺。
從希望提供非傳統團隊建設活動的企業品牌,到旨在創造以遊戲為基礎的學習環境的玩具公司,LOST Pop-Up 會根據每個品牌的精神和價值觀定制遊戲,增添一抹魔幻色彩,讓每個人都能以意想不到的方式體驗這些 IPs。