What is an Escape Room?

An escape game is a real-life experience where participants are locked in a room and must use elements of the room, the group’s collective knowledge, and wits to discover clues, solve puzzles, and escape and/or find the missing item within a set amount of time.
Each game session is 45 minutes, but do arrive 5-10minutes prior to your booking time for registration.
Of course not! When the game time is over, our team will be happy to give you instructions and assistance to take you out.
Naah - as long as you have two people in your group you will not share your room with others, remember our games are first come first serve, so please make a booking. Also, some rooms require 3 people to play so please double check the min number of players before booking!
No particular, as long as you are comfortable to maneuver in your attire.
Just bring your group and your "brain".
No, LOST suits for all ages! But we do suggest for age under 13 be accomplished by adults.
Safety is our priority. Players will be instructed the Do’s and Don’ts prior to the game. Surveillance will be monitoring the entire game play
Yes, if there is a pregnant woman among your team members, you can contact our corresponding shops and we will suggest which themes are suitable!
Pay - You will pay on the day of your game.We accept credit card, octopus, wechat pay, alipay and cash payment.
(Deposit is required for parties/team building events)
Booking - Preferably yes, to secure the game room you want to play
Absolutely, we can help companies of all sizes and private groups to design and create themed rooms. Venues include: shopping malls, office buildings, school classrooms, or clubs. Feel free to contact us for more details!
It's NOT scary. There will be sound effect and light ambiance. It will only be you and your team inside the rooms, there will not be any actors inside the room and is only ambiance and sound effects. However, we may occasionally have special seasonal themes with a bit of horror.
Please call us if you are late, we are happy to hold the game room for you. Otherwise the room will be given to others 5 mins after your booking time.


密室逃脫其實是一個集合獨特和互動的現場謎事件,團隊在一段時間內解決了謎團和線索。參與密室逃脫時,你們會被置身於在一個特定的場所,通過裝修與設計,營造逼真的場景。 你們將會給予不同的身份、任務、及故事劇情;在規定的時間內,通過尋找線索、團隊合作、層層解謎,最終完成任務,逃離密室。
沒有,LOST 適合任何年齡,但建議13歲以下的小孩大人陪同。
LOST 提供一個讓客人安心的地方以供玩樂;在高度管理下,讓玩家樂而忘返。遊戲開始前會告知相關的注意事項,遊戲過程中工作人員也將全程透過房間內的鏡頭掌握狀況,避免任何意外的發生。
繳費 - 不需要網上繳費,只需要遊戲當天現場付就可以。我們接受信用卡、八達通、微信支付、支付寶香港和現金。
預約 - 我們建議先網上預約,以確保你想玩的主題是有空檔的。
不驚嚇!密室主題以不同歷史故事及背景為題材,設有多項的高科技機關,玩家必需運用智慧、溝通技巧、合作能力、觀察與分析每項提示,解答各項的謎題,逃出密室。當中沒有任何驚嚇的成分,只是一些燈光效果及少量道具塑造氣氛。這並不是一個膽量的測試遊戲。 此外,我們亦會推出 帶有一些恐怖色彩的期間限定主題。
如果你需要在遊戲開始之後才能到達,請通知我們,我們會盡量配合。 但如果我們沒有收到通知,在遊戲開始後5分鐘,我們會將遊戲房間給予其他玩家。