Is it scary?
Nope! It is only ambiance and sound effects.
Is there any actors, zombies, ghost, monsters, and goblins?
No, only your team is inside the rooms. If you do see any of the above, please let us know we would want to know them too. =)
Can we play with only 2 players?
Yes! All themes can be played with just 2 players, but of course - the MORE the MERRIER!!
Is there an age limit?
LOST Junior is suitable for all ages!! If your child is 6 years old or below, we highly recommend having an adult joining the game as well.
Is the room dark?
No, the rooms are NOT dark - so don't worry!!
How to Pay? Pre-Pay online?
Simply come to pay at the counter on the day of your game.
We accept credit card, octopus, wechat pay, alipay and cash payment.
(Deposit is required for parties/team building events)
Total occupancy?
We can host up to 35-40 players at the same time.
Is it dangerous?
Safety is our priority. Players will be instructed the Do’s and Don’ts prior to the game.
Surveillance will be monitoring the entire game play
Dress code or attire?
Nothing particular, as long as you are comfortable to manoeuvre in your attire.
Do I have to pay/book online?
Pay - You will pay on the day of your game.We accept credit card, octopus, wechat pay, alipay and cash payment.
(Deposit is required for parties/team building events)
Booking - Preferably yes, to secure the game room you want to play
沒有,只有你的團隊在房間裡面。如果您發現了上述情況,請告訴我們,我們想認識他們。 =)
LOST Junior 適合任何年齡,但建議6歲以下的小孩需要大人陪同。(大小同價)
不是,房間內會有氣氛的燈光啊 - 絕對不是漆黑一片的。
同時段將可容納最多 35 -40 名玩家。
迷の密失提供一個讓客人安心的地方以供玩樂;在高度管理下,讓玩家樂而忘返。遊戲開始前會告知相關的注意事項,遊戲過程中工作人員也將全程透過房間內的鏡頭掌握狀況,避免任何意外的發生。當玩家遇到疑問時,工作人員將提供100% 的關心及協助。
繳費 - 不需要網上繳費,只需要遊戲當天現場付就可以。我們接受信用卡、八達通、微信支付、支付寶香港和現金。
預約 - 我們建議先網上預約,以確保你想玩的主題是有空檔的。