The Diamond Heist


***** The side mission requires four or more players to participate
***** 副線任務需要四位或以上玩家參與

***** Price:
Mon – Thur: HKD210
Fri – Sun, P.H. & Day before P.H.:HKD250
***** 價錢:

You are a member of a local gang, and you’ve been working hard to help the businesses run by the group. Your attitude was greatly appreciated by the gang. Although you were just a nobody, you were still being taken care of by the boss.

One day, the boss called an emergency meeting of all gang members. But beyond that, the order didn’t mention any purpose about it. After receiving the order, you could only follow the other senior members to the headquarters, who were just as confused as you were.

Everyone was here. The boss immediately locked the door of the meeting room, and finally explained the reason for calling everyone here: a batch of diamonds were missing from the warehouse. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. The warehouse was heavily guarded, how could this even happen? The boss watched the members whispering to each other without saying a word, seeming to be observing everyone’s reaction.

After a moment, the boss stopped your discussion and continued to explain. According to the CCTV recording, a suspicious van quietly drove away from a back street at midnight. Although it’s unable to see the face, the tattoo on the driver’s hand was clearly captured on the screen – it was a mark exclusive to members of your gang’s rival organization. With such a weight of valuables, the boss speculated that they should have transported the stolen goods to the nearest stronghold for storage, which was a Dai Pai Dong nearby. Therefore, today’s meeting was aimed at selecting the most suitable members as spies to investigate the site.

What a dangerous mission… Seems only the experienced seniors are able to complete it. Just as you were thinking, the boss walked up to you and patted you on the shoulder.

“…What? Me?!” You stared at the boss with a horrified face, and the boss nodded affirmatively. “They know the faces of most of our senior members. If we want to sneak in, the best way is to find a face that is “completely new”. Don’t worry, the gang’s got your back. You only need to find where they hide the diamonds and take them back. It’s best if you don’t get caught. Don’t try to fight them, you don’t stand a chance.”

“Get yourself a few more teammates. But remember, only find those who are truly worthy to trust.” The last sentence was a whisper in your ear. The boss patted your shoulder again and dismissed the meeting. Based on the information obtained, the members of the enemy will leave their stronghold for 60 minutes every day, and only ordinary clerks will remain. This is the gap for you to sneak in.

Can you complete the mission successfully? What the boss said to you at the end…what did it even mean?


你是一個在地幫派的成員, 一直盡心盡力地幫忙組織所經營的各式各樣的生意。你務實勤奮的態度讓組織很是欣賞, 雖然你只是組裡的小人物, 但頭目對你也是關愛有加。

一天, 頭目集合了組裡所有的成員召開一個緊急會議, 但除此以外, 指示裡並沒有提及任何召集的目的。接到指示的你, 只能跟著其他同樣一頭霧水的前輩們來到了總部。

大家都到齊了, 頭目見狀, 馬上命人把會議室的門鎖上, 然後才終於交代了今天把大家叫來的原因:原來是庫房有一批鑽石和金條不見了。所有人面面相覷, 庫房保安嚴密, 怎麼可能閉門失竊?頭目一語不發地看著你們交頭接耳, 似乎是在觀察每個人的反應。

片刻, 頭目中止了你們的討論並繼續說明事件。根據監視器的錄影, 有一台可疑的廂型車在深夜時分悄悄從後街開走, 雖然看不見長相, 但畫面上清楚拍到了司機手上的紋身ーー那是幫派的敵對組織成員專屬的標記。帶著如此重量的財物, 頭目推測他們應該是先把贓物運送到了最近的據點收藏, 也就是附近的一家大排檔。因此, 今天的會議, 是希望能挑選合適的人選, 前往大排檔進行潛入任務。

真是危險的任務…看來必須由經驗豐富的大前輩們出手才能完成。正當你這麼想著的時候, 頭目卻不疾不徐地走到你身旁拍拍你的肩膀。

「…咦? 我、我嗎?!」你一臉驚恐地盯著頭目, 頭目則肯定地點了點頭, 給了你一個 ”就是你” 的表情。「老成員們以往多少都有與對方打過照面, 要潛入的話, 最好是找徹底的 ”生面孔”。別擔心, 組織會提供足夠的支援, 你只要刺探到他們收藏鑽石的位置, 把東西拿回來就可以了。能不被發現是最好的, 千萬不要正面交鋒, 你不是他們的對手。」

『多找幾個人幫你, 但記得, 要找真正值得信賴的人。』最後一句, 是在你耳邊說的悄悄話。頭目說罷又拍了拍你的肩膀, 就把會議解散了。根據情報, 敵方組織的成員每天都會有 60 分鐘離開據點, 屆時留在大排檔的就只有一般的店員, 這正是你們潛入的空檔。



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