The St. Ermin Hotel is a late Victorian building that was converted into a hotel in 1896-99. During the First World War, it became a meeting place and headquarters for British Secret intelligence services, also known as the MI6. On January 16, 1917, as a German spy in the UK. You received the intel from your commander that the British army has possession of Military decoder. So you sneak into the MI6 headquarter to steal some important information and code. In the process, you’ve got intel about a secret area of MI6 and after comparing it with the official building plan, you found a hidden passage. You confirm that the information you want to obtain is in this area. Can you complete the mission and change the history of the World War I?
聖爾敏飯店是維多利亞時代晚期的建築,於1896-99年轉為旅館。第一次世界大戰時,成為了英國情報部門的聚會場所。這裡曾是英國海外情報機構「軍情六處」(MI6) 的總部。 1917年1月16日,作為埋伏於英國的德軍特務的您,收到指揮官的指示,得知英軍解碼員取得最新軍事解碼本,於是您潛入軍情六處偷偷走重要訊息及盜取破譯本。過程中,您得到了一本關於軍情六處神秘區域位置所在的筆記,在跟官方建築平面圖比照下,終於找到了進入神秘區域的方法。在此區域中,隱藏著您所需要的情報。身負重任的您能否完成任務 ,改變第一次世界大戰的歷史?
6 Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay
銅鑼灣 霎東街6號
☏: +852 2892 2393
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Fri: 12:00 – 22:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 22:00
3/F, 67-71 Argyle Street, Mong Kok
(Mong Kok MTR Exit D2)
旺角 亞皆老街67-71號 3樓
☏: +852 2390 0093
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Fri: 12:00 – 22:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 22:00
Shop 304, D2 Place Two,
15 Cheung Shun Street, Lai Chi Kok
荔枝角 長順街15號 D2 Place 二期 304舖
☏: +852 2890 2093
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Thur: 13:00 – 19:00
Fri: 13:00– 20:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 20:00
Shop B102, The Pulse,
28 Beach Rd, Repulse Bay
香港 淺水灣 海灘道28號
The Pulse B102舖
☏: +852 6037 5945
🕙 Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 19:00
Shop B24-B25, B1/F, Treasure World (Site 11),
The Whampoa
☏: +852 2890 3003
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Thur: 12:00 – 19:00
Fri: 12:00 – 20:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 21:00
(Last game start on Mon–Thur 18:45)
Play Park Shop UB06, New Town Plaza Phase One, 18 Sha Tin Centre St, Sha tin
沙田 沙田正街18號 新城市廣場一期
Play Park UB06舖
☏: +852 2890 3029
Opening Hours 營業時間
Mon–Thur: 12:00 – 19:00
Fri: 12:00 – 20:00
Sat–Sun & P.H.: 11:00 – 21:00
(Last game start on Mon–Thur 18:45)