Bounty Hunter


It was almost noon, you and your gang members arrived at a bar in a small town.

In this wild area of ​​the west, gangs have occupied their own territory. This small town located at the junction of various territories has become a neutral place to maintain the balance of surrounding forces. Because of the unspoken rule of “minding own business”, the town provides a place where all the gangs nearby are able to trade and pastime on an equal footing.
The bar in the town has become a popular place for gang transactions. The bar owner has also started a special business for this purpose, designing a series of measures to provide a safe trading place for the gangs. For example, weapons are prohibited in the bar to reduce conflicts. In order to ensure that no third party will interfere in the transaction, the gangs seldom meet each other face to face. The buyer must find out where the goods are hidden based on the clues in the bar that were left by the seller, the bar owner will also place puzzles outside the store to ensure that only those involved in the transaction can enter the bar. Today, you were here to trade with another gang.

After tying up the horses, you saw a rag hanging outside the door of the bar – this was the owner’s signal that the seller had the goods ready; The Door was locked, the transaction process must begin by finding the way to enter the bar. However, you couldn’t help but be alerted to the atmosphere of the town. You kept feeling that something was a little different today. The surroundings were eerily quiet. Not even a resident of a town could be seen… Weird, gang activities were not something uncommon in this town, and this was not even your first time here for trade. Why did everyone go into hiding this time? At your reminder, your companions also noticed the oddity in the air.

“If something happens in this neutral area, there will be no benefit to anyone. No one would dare to cause trouble here… Don’t think that much, just focus on the trade first.” While your companion said, he put his gun into the collection box outside the store.

…Don’t think that much? Is that really the case?

There are still 45 minutes before the agreed trading time. There’s no time for you to care about this sense of violation. Get started with the puzzle now. Remember to stay alert to your surroundings in the trade, you will soon be glad that your intuition was accurate…

In the shadows behind the bar, there seems to be a black figure secretly observing you; and it disappears with the wind and sand before you realize its existence… A mysterious name card has been left on the ground where the figure was: “Z”.



小鎮上的酒吧成為了幫派交易的熱門地點,酒吧的店主也為此而做起了特別的生意,設計了一系列的措施來為周邊幫派提供一個安全的交易場所:例如, 為了減少衝突,酒吧禁止攜帶武器進入。為了確保交易不會有第三者介入, 交易的幫派一般也不會直接見面,買方必須根據賣方幫派在酒吧內留下的線索自行找出藏貨地點;而酒吧店主亦會於交易日在店外設置謎題,以確保只有交易相關人士可以進入酒吧。今天,你們正是約好了另一幫派進行交易。

拴好了馬匹,你看見酒吧門外掛了一塊破布 ─ 這是店主表示賣方已經放好貨物的暗號;店門上了鎖,交易的流程必須由設法進入酒吧開始。可是,小鎮的氣氛讓你不由自主的警惕起來,你總覺得今天有點不太一樣。周圍安靜得有點詭異,附近連一個小鎮的居民都看不見⋯⋯奇怪,幫派活動在這座小鎮並不是什麼稀奇事,你們也不是第一次來做交易了,怎麼這次所有人都這麼煞有介事地躲起來了? 在你的提醒下, 你的同伴們也注意到了異狀。

「要是這中立地區出什麼事, 對誰都沒有好處, 應該沒有人敢在這裡鬧事的⋯⋯先別想太多吧。」同伴邊說著, 邊把腰間的佩槍放進了店外的收集箱。
⋯⋯別想太多? 真的是這樣嗎?

距離約定好的交易時間還有 45 分鐘, 你們沒有閒暇去在意這股違和感了, 馬上著手開始解謎吧。交易途中緊記要多加提防四周, 你很快就會慶幸你的直覺是準確的⋯⋯

酒吧後方的陰影之中, 似乎有一個黑色的人影正在默默的觀察著你們; 在你們察覺之前, 又隨著風沙消失無蹤⋯⋯人影所在的位置地面上, 留下了一張神秘的名片: “Z”。


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