In Greek legend, there was a goddess who had a beautiful voice and a pair of big wings. Her name was Siren. She was beautiful and happy, and loved by everyone. Until one day, she lost her wings in an accident and fell onto a desert island of the Sea of Death. As she had lost everything and being all alone on the island, singing was the only thing that could let her forget about the loneliness. She sings and sings, days after days. Unexpectedly, her beautiful singing attracted the ships which were passing by, and entered the Sea of Death. All the ships sank near the deserted islands over the years. The beautiful goddess was also known as the Envoy of Death.
You were passionate about Greek mythology and you believe that the legend really exists. You believe that if you help Siren to get her wings back, she will be able to return to heaven and the Sea of Death will disappear.
Today, with the preparation for so many years, you finally arrived at the entrance of the Sea of Death and were ready to find the legendary desert island.
Beautiful songs have begun to ring in your ears. From the information you gathered from the previous missing ships, once the singing begins, you only have 35 minutes before the ship disappears. Can you find Siren within this time limit and save her by retrieving her wings? Or would you be like other sailors and ships, got disoriented by her singing?
在希臘傳說中, 有一位擁有美麗歌聲及一雙大翅膀的女神,名叫塞壬。她漂亮而快樂,一直受到眾人的愛戴。直至在一次意外中, 塞壬失去了翅膀,無法飛行,跌落在了死亡海域的一座荒島。失去了萬千寵愛,孤獨一人生活在荒島上的她,唯有用歌唱來緩解寂寞。怎料,她美妙的歌聲吸引了在海域附近經過的船隻前來。多年以來,無數船隻都不知不覺地闖入死亡海域而葬身荒島,塞壬亦因此被稱為勾魂使者。