In September 1998, LOST City is being invaded by biological viruses, and under the hazy atmosphere of virus spread, the situation has seriously out of control. Over ninety percent of the people infected, the Government has to make a full blockade of the LOST City. You have received a reliable information that the culprit of this biochemical disaster is because of a pharmaceutical company, so your team decided to sneak into the company’s headquarters to investigate. Unfortunately, your whereabouts being discovered and they locked your team in an abandoned small hires surrounded by the zombies roar of hunger.Time flies and you heard a fuzzy radio broadcast “…the last rescue team will be arriving the LOST City for saving the survivors after 45 minutes, please go to the center of Lost City to assemble…”
1998年9月,LOST City受到生化病毒侵襲。在病毒漫延的朦朧氣氛之下,情況已經嚴重失控。九成以上市民受到感染,政府亦已靳令將LOST City進行全面封鎖。你們收到可靠的情報,得知這次生化災害的罪魁禍首與一間製藥公司有關,於是便決定潛入該公司總部進行調查。不幸你們行蹤敗露,被他們關在一間荒廢小舍內,而且小舍附近還不時傳出活死人饑餓的咆哮聲。
時間不知不覺地飛逝,小舍中的收音機還傳出了陣陣模糊的廣播。「45分鐘後,將會是最後一隊拯救隊伍進入 LOST City拯救生還者,請生還的市民盡快去到LOST City的區集合,重覆……」