LOST 銅鑼灣 - LOST https://losthk.com/topic/lost-銅鑼灣/ more than just escape games Fri, 03 Jan 2025 07:37:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://losthk.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cropped-logo-red-1-32x32.jpeg LOST 銅鑼灣 - LOST https://losthk.com/topic/lost-銅鑼灣/ 32 32 Area51 51區 https://losthk.com/rooms/area51-51%e5%8d%80/ Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:14:05 +0000 https://losthk.com/?post_type=rooms&p=5700 “Thank you and see you next time──” Another customer left. You’ve no idea how many times you’ve repeated this today. Known for its delicious burgers, this restaurant is a hot topic on social media. You even have a part-time job here because you are obsessed with the food. However, high popularity also leads to high-intensity […]

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“Thank you and see you next time──” Another customer left. You’ve no idea how many times you’ve repeated this today.

Known for its delicious burgers, this restaurant is a hot topic on social media. You even have a part-time job here because you are obsessed with the food. However, high popularity also leads to high-intensity work. The work pace of the restaurant is very tight…if it wasn’t for the free burgers, you wouldn’t want to work here.

Finally it was time for the shift change, you happily handed over the ordering area to your colleagues and went to the kitchen at the back. Your throat was hoarse already, but compared with receiving customers, the work at the back is a lot easier.

Unpacking, replenishing supplies, supporting meal preparation… There were a lot of to-dos here too. Just as you were busy, the phone in the store rang. The caller ordered burgers for thirty people and asked you to prepare the meals within 45 minutes. You took a look at the remaining ingredients in the kitchen and suddenly fell into distress. The ingredients in the kitchen were all required for daily operations that day. When it comes to such an unusual urgent order, the ingredients on hand were simply not enough to cope with it… The spare stocks are placed in the frozen warehouse at the back. But in order to prevent the leak out of the recipe, only the store manager was allowed to enter. And by chance, the manager was not in the store at the moment. What should we do?

“Should be fine if we just get in there to pick up some stock I guess? I don’t think the manager will blame you for breaking the rules in order to process an urgent order.” Time passed by, and there was no time for you to hesitate anymore. Encouraged by your colleagues, you bite the bullet and unlock the door of the freezer warehouse.

You never would have imagined that you would discover a huge secret hidden in this restaurant. What’s so special about the frozen warehouse that only managers are allowed in? Why do the meals in this place leave customers with endless aftertaste? This ordinary working day is about to begin with an extraordinary adventure…


After entering the warehouse, you didn’t notice that a camera was secretly monitoring your every move in the corner. There’s a distinct mark on it: “Z”…


「謝謝惠顧歡迎下次光臨──」又目送一位食客出門, 你已經數不清今天重複這句話多少次了。

這家美式餐廳以美味的漢堡而聞名, 是在社交媒體上的熱門話題, 甚至你本人也因為常常對這裡的餐點念念不忘而乾脆在這裡打起了兼職。話雖如此, 高企的人氣也導致了高強度的工作. 餐廳的工作節奏非常緊湊⋯⋯如果不是這裡的伙食是免費的漢堡, 你才不想在這裡打工呢。

好不容易捱到了換班的時間, 你興高采烈地和後勤區的同事交接, 到了後面的廚房。你的喉嚨已經非常沙啞, 比起接待客人, 還是當後勤壓力比較小。

開箱、補貨、支援餐點製作⋯⋯後勤區的待辦事項也不少。正當你忙碌之際, 店裡的外賣電話響起. 來電的客人點了三十人份的漢堡, 並且要求你們在45分鐘內準備好餐點, 你看了一眼廚房剩餘的食材, 頓時陷入了苦惱。廚房的材料都是當天日常運作所需的量, 遇上這種誇張的緊急訂單, 目前手上的食材根本不足以應付⋯⋯備用的食材都是放在後方的冷凍倉庫, 但為了防止食譜秘方外洩, 那個倉庫規定只有店長才能進入, 而目前店長非常剛好地不在店裡。該怎麼辦呢?

「進去拿點食材不會怎樣吧? 為了處理緊急訂單而迫不得已違規, 店長應該也不會怪罪的。」時間一分一秒的過, 已經沒有時間再讓你們遲疑了。在同事們的慫恿下, 你硬著頭皮解鎖了冷凍倉庫的門。

你萬萬想不到, 你卻因此發現了這家餐廳隱藏著的一個天大秘密。冷凍倉庫到底有什麼特別, 只准店長進去? 這家店的餐點為什麼能讓吃過的客人都回味無窮? 這平凡的工作天, 即將迎來一場不太平凡的冒險⋯⋯

進入倉庫後, 你並未發現有一台監視器正在角落默默的監視著你的一舉一動。監視器上有一個鮮明的記號: “Z”⋯⋯

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Bounty Hunter 賞金獵人 https://losthk.com/rooms/bounty-hunter-404-%e8%b3%9e%e9%87%91%e7%8d%b5%e4%ba%ba/ Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:11:57 +0000 https://losthk.com/?post_type=rooms&p=5697 It was almost noon, you and your gang members arrived at a bar in a small town. In this wild area of ​​the west, gangs have occupied their own territory. This small town located at the junction of various territories has become a neutral place to maintain the balance of surrounding forces. Because of the […]

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It was almost noon, you and your gang members arrived at a bar in a small town.

In this wild area of ​​the west, gangs have occupied their own territory. This small town located at the junction of various territories has become a neutral place to maintain the balance of surrounding forces. Because of the unspoken rule of “minding own business”, the town provides a place where all the gangs nearby are able to trade and pastime on an equal footing.
The bar in the town has become a popular place for gang transactions. The bar owner has also started a special business for this purpose, designing a series of measures to provide a safe trading place for the gangs. For example, weapons are prohibited in the bar to reduce conflicts. In order to ensure that no third party will interfere in the transaction, the gangs seldom meet each other face to face. The buyer must find out where the goods are hidden based on the clues in the bar that were left by the seller, the bar owner will also place puzzles outside the store to ensure that only those involved in the transaction can enter the bar. Today, you were here to trade with another gang.

After tying up the horses, you saw a rag hanging outside the door of the bar – this was the owner’s signal that the seller had the goods ready; The Door was locked, the transaction process must begin by finding the way to enter the bar. However, you couldn’t help but be alerted to the atmosphere of the town. You kept feeling that something was a little different today. The surroundings were eerily quiet. Not even a resident of a town could be seen… Weird, gang activities were not something uncommon in this town, and this was not even your first time here for trade. Why did everyone go into hiding this time? At your reminder, your companions also noticed the oddity in the air.

“If something happens in this neutral area, there will be no benefit to anyone. No one would dare to cause trouble here… Don’t think that much, just focus on the trade first.” While your companion said, he put his gun into the collection box outside the store.

…Don’t think that much? Is that really the case?

There are still 45 minutes before the agreed trading time. There’s no time for you to care about this sense of violation. Get started with the puzzle now. Remember to stay alert to your surroundings in the trade, you will soon be glad that your intuition was accurate…

In the shadows behind the bar, there seems to be a black figure secretly observing you; and it disappears with the wind and sand before you realize its existence… A mysterious name card has been left on the ground where the figure was: “Z”.



小鎮上的酒吧成為了幫派交易的熱門地點,酒吧的店主也為此而做起了特別的生意,設計了一系列的措施來為周邊幫派提供一個安全的交易場所:例如, 為了減少衝突,酒吧禁止攜帶武器進入。為了確保交易不會有第三者介入, 交易的幫派一般也不會直接見面,買方必須根據賣方幫派在酒吧內留下的線索自行找出藏貨地點;而酒吧店主亦會於交易日在店外設置謎題,以確保只有交易相關人士可以進入酒吧。今天,你們正是約好了另一幫派進行交易。

拴好了馬匹,你看見酒吧門外掛了一塊破布 ─ 這是店主表示賣方已經放好貨物的暗號;店門上了鎖,交易的流程必須由設法進入酒吧開始。可是,小鎮的氣氛讓你不由自主的警惕起來,你總覺得今天有點不太一樣。周圍安靜得有點詭異,附近連一個小鎮的居民都看不見⋯⋯奇怪,幫派活動在這座小鎮並不是什麼稀奇事,你們也不是第一次來做交易了,怎麼這次所有人都這麼煞有介事地躲起來了? 在你的提醒下, 你的同伴們也注意到了異狀。

「要是這中立地區出什麼事, 對誰都沒有好處, 應該沒有人敢在這裡鬧事的⋯⋯先別想太多吧。」同伴邊說著, 邊把腰間的佩槍放進了店外的收集箱。
⋯⋯別想太多? 真的是這樣嗎?

距離約定好的交易時間還有 45 分鐘, 你們沒有閒暇去在意這股違和感了, 馬上著手開始解謎吧。交易途中緊記要多加提防四周, 你很快就會慶幸你的直覺是準確的⋯⋯

酒吧後方的陰影之中, 似乎有一個黑色的人影正在默默的觀察著你們; 在你們察覺之前, 又隨著風沙消失無蹤⋯⋯人影所在的位置地面上, 留下了一張神秘的名片: “Z”。


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LuminCube 炫格子 https://losthk.com/rooms/lumincube-%e7%82%ab%e6%a0%bc%e5%ad%90/ Tue, 17 Sep 2024 06:26:47 +0000 https://losthk.com/?post_type=rooms&p=5422 LOST Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣 $150/ 20 min 分鐘/ per head 每人 2-6 players 人 Aged 6 or above* Children aged 6-12 must be accompanied by an adult 6歲或以上* * 6-12歲需由成年人陪同 Be sure to wear shoes that cover the instep, sole, toes, and heels. Do not wear slippers, sandals, Crocs, high-heels, or other shoes that do […]

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LOST Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣
$150/ 20 min 分鐘/ per head 每人
2-6 players 人

Aged 6 or above*
Children aged 6-12 must be accompanied by an adult
* 6-12歲需由成年人陪同

Be sure to wear shoes that cover the instep, sole, toes, and heels. Do not wear slippers, sandals, Crocs, high-heels, or other shoes that do not fully cover the feet. It is recommended not to wear shoes with very thick soles which may affect your game experience.


LOST Arena —- “LuminCube”, an innovative grid-based lighting floor that changes dynamically with the game rules, guiding players to continuously move to the beat of energetic music and find enjoyment through interaction.

Players can choose between a campaign mode or a competitive mode, aiming to step on scoring blue tiles or safe green tiles within 20 minutes, while avoiding dangerous red tiles. To encourage ongoing challenges, the game offers 1 to 99 levels where players must reach the required score within a time limit to advance, testing individual or team reflexes, coordination, and rhythm sense.


LOST Arena 為大家介紹最新動感遊戲「炫格子」,以其獨特的格子地磚燈光佈局變化,搭配遊戲規則,帶領玩家在動感的音樂中不斷跳動,從互動中尋找樂趣。





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Haunted house 404 猛鬼大廈404 https://losthk.com/rooms/haunted-house-404-%e7%8c%9b%e9%ac%bc%e5%a4%a7%e5%bb%88404/ Mon, 19 Aug 2024 08:52:57 +0000 https://losthk.com/?post_type=rooms&p=5379 “Ring ring ring ring ㅡㅡ” The ringing of the phone suddenly woke you up, which almost made you fall off from your seat. Several CCTV screens lined up in front of your eyes, you find yourself in the security room of a building…and what you’re wearing is a security guard’s uniform. Yes, you remembered that […]

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“Ring ring ring ring ㅡㅡ”

The ringing of the phone suddenly woke you up, which almost made you fall off from your seat. Several CCTV screens lined up in front of your eyes, you find yourself in the security room of a building…and what you’re wearing is a security guard’s uniform. Yes, you remembered that you accidentally dozed off during your shift, that you even forgot that you were at work. This job must be too boring to remember.

“Ring ring ringㅡㅡㅡ” The phone on the table rang again, and you hurriedly picked it up. On the other end of the phone was an anxious resident, saying that there was some burning smell when he passed by the fourth floor and hoped that you would go take a look. It would be quite troublesome if a fire broke out in this kind of old-style public housing. Hope it’s not something serious… You grabbed a flashlight and went up the stairs.

When you arrived at the stairwell on the fourth floor, the burning smell was indeed filled in the air. However, no thick smoke was seen. You believed the situation was not that serious yet. As long as the source is found as soon as possible, it shouldn’t be a big problem. You took a deep breath of fresh air and opened the smoke door, but the scene you saw there made you feel a little chilly down your spine. You don’t see anyone, and the lights in the corridor were quite dim. It didn’t even look like there’s people living there at all. You followed the smell and went forward, until you stopped in front of two units: the front door of one of the unit was deeply locked, and the door and transom window were sealed with newspapers, making it difficult to tell whether anyone lives here; the other unit was also locked, and talismans were posted on the door. It seems like no one has been home for a while… But when you looked up, you saw light coming from the transom window.

The burning smell was definitely coming from around here. Since there’s only one unit that has someone at home, let’s start the investigation here. You tried your best not to pay attention to those strange talismans stuck on the door and knocking on the door, but no one responded. Strange, you clearly heard sounds coming from the inside? You tried knocking on the door a few more times. After a moment, there was an unlocking sound from the front door… Does that mean the householder letting you in? Although you were confused, you pushed the door open.

“Sorry for bothering…” you greeted politely. But when you entered the house, you found that there was no one in here. It will be too late if the fire actually breaks out, hope the householder won’t mind if you take a look around here without permission. You never expect that this daily duty is not as simple as you think. It seems that someone…or “something”, is somehow leading you step by step into the truth of a secret…



一陣電話鈴聲把你忽然驚醒, 你差點就從座位摔到地上。眼前並排著好幾個閉路電視螢幕, 你發現自己身處在一座大廈的保安室, 一摸身上, 你正穿著保安的制服。對了, 你想起了你是在當值途中不小心打起了瞌睡, 連自己正在上班都能忘記, 這份工作肯定是太無聊了。

「鈴鈴鈴ㅡㅡㅡ」桌上的電話再次響起, 你手忙腳亂地拿起來接聽。電話的另一頭是一位焦急的住戶, 表示剛剛在途經四樓時聞到刺鼻的燒焦味, 希望你能去看看。這種舊式公屋要是發生火警會相當麻煩, 希望不是什麼大事…你帶上了手電筒, 從樓梯走上樓。

來到四樓的樓梯間, 果然一股焦味撲鼻而來, 然而樓層內並未有看到濃煙, 相信還不至於嚴重的地步, 只要盡快找到源頭, 應該問題不大。你深吸了一口新鮮空氣, 推開了通往四樓的防煙門, 但樓層的景象, 卻讓你感覺有點背脊發涼。整層樓一個人也沒有, 走廊的燈光也相當昏暗, 根本不像是有人住。你順著氣味往前走, 直至停在了兩個單位前: 一個大門深鎖, 門和氣窗都被報紙封得密不透光, 難以分辨這裡到底有沒有人居住; 另一個單位的門也是上鎖的,  門口貼了符咒, 似乎已經有段時間沒有人回來過了…但抬頭一看, 你發現有燈光從氣窗透出。

焦味確定是從這附近傳出來的, 既然只有一個單位有人在家, 就從這裡先開始調查吧。你努力地不去注意那貼在門上的詭異符咒並上前拍門, 卻等了許久都沒有人回應。奇怪, 你明明聽到單位內有聲音?你不放棄地再拍了幾次, 片刻, 大門傳來了一下解鎖的響聲…是戶主讓你進去的意思嗎?雖然心中疑惑, 你還是硬著頭皮推開了門。

「不好意思打擾了…」你禮貌地打招呼, 卻在進屋後發現單位內根本沒有人。要是火警發生就來不及了, 希望戶主不會介意你擅自在這裡四處看看。你萬萬想不到, 這看似日常的保安工作並沒有你以為的那麼簡單, 似乎有誰…或者說有”東西”, 正在一步步引導你深入一個秘密的真相……




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Jailbreak Island Escape 逃離監獄島 https://losthk.com/rooms/jailbreak-island-escape-%e9%80%83%e9%9b%a2%e7%9b%a3%e7%8d%84%e5%b3%b6/ Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:03:18 +0000 https://losthk.com/?post_type=rooms&p=4930 Prison is built on an isolated island, surrounded by dangerous waters…This prison holds countless criminals in the city. In order to escape this dangerous place, you must make a precise escape plan. There’s more than one way to escape, but which one will succeed? The prison has an annual equipment inspection day every year. All […]

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Prison is built on an isolated island, surrounded by dangerous waters…This prison holds countless criminals in the city. In order to escape this dangerous place, you must make a precise escape plan. There’s more than one way to escape, but which one will succeed?

The prison has an annual equipment inspection day every year. All electronic security devices in the prison will be temporarily deactivated and replaced by guard patrols. Today is your chance to escape! You must find two items: a uniform of the prison guards and a boat to leave the island. The spare prison guard uniforms are placed in the storage basement, and the police boat is moored at the dock…How to avoid the patrols of the guards and obtain the things that you need? After a long period of observation and investigation, you discover that there’s an abandoned mineshaft underground in the prison. Seems it can be used to reach different facilities in the prison from below. Loose rocks on the outside of the facility, and the pipe that serves as slides to collect trash, can all be your opportunities…but first, you must escape your own cell.

There are still 45 minutes left before the guards change shifts, now is the time that the guards are most distracted and exhausted. Look for clues in the cell and find the escape passage you prepared in advance. It’s time to put your escape plan into action!









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Supernote 神鈔 https://losthk.com/rooms/supernote-%e7%a5%9e%e9%88%94/ Wed, 27 Oct 2021 03:34:40 +0000 https://losthk.com/?post_type=rooms&p=3045 Art Williams, born in 1972 who is a famous counterfeit genius in the United States. He successfully cheated banks and shops of at least 10 million U.S. dollars by his counterfeit banknotes. Art born from poverty but extremely clever, he learned to steal when he was 16. By chance, he met an Italian master named […]

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Art Williams, born in 1972 who is a famous counterfeit genius in the United States. He successfully cheated banks and shops of at least 10 million U.S. dollars by his counterfeit banknotes. Art born from poverty but extremely clever, he learned to steal when he was 16. By chance, he met an Italian master named Leonardo da Vinci. He admired Art’s ingenuity and decided to take Art to a secret place. When they arrived at a printing factory in the basement, Da Vinci demonstrated the counterfeit banknote technology to Art. The banknotes had several key points: Franklin’s watermark, the banknote serial number, and two stamps. The paper that Da Vinci used also contained red and blue anti-counterfeiting thread. It made Art extremely surprised, but after making the third batch of counterfeit banknotes, Da Vinci vanished one night. Art didn’t have any money printing technology, so he had to rely on his vague memory to create the new money printing methods, the process requires the use of special paper, ink and printing technology, just like an insane scientist, cracking the secret of  acid-free paper, optically variable ink, watermark, printing mould, Omron rings. One of the most difficult parts was the problem of watermarks, which could not be solved in any way. When he was about to give up, he had a dream and got an inspiration that it can be just inserted between the banknotes, then Franklin’s watermark can be shown when the three pieces of paper stick together. After many difficulties, the supernote is finally printed, even the experts could not verify it. This technology is still a mystery. Based on the clues at hand, your team is about to sneak into the printing factory to try to find the formula of this genius. However a teammate is trapped and in danger, how to break through it? Can the secret of supernote be solved by your team?

亞特·威廉斯,出生於1972年, 美國著名偽鈔天才, 他成功騙過了全美各地銀行及商店,共製造了超過1000萬美元的偽鈔。出身貧困但聰明絕頂的他16歲已經學會偷車,一次機緣巧合遇上意大利籍師傅達文西, 對亞特的聰明才智十分欣賞並決定要帶亞特去一個神秘的地方看看,兩個人到了一間位在地下室的印刷工廠, 達文西示范了偽鈔技術, 鈔票有幾個重點: 首先是富蘭克林的頭像、還有鈔票序號以及兩個戳章, 達文西用的鈔票紙裡面還有極細的紅藍防偽絲線。知悉到偽鈔這回事,使亞特大開眼界, 可是在制作完第三批假鈔后,亞特發現達文西失聯了,亞特未有掌握任何印鈔技術,只好憑模糊的記憶及自己的天份,鑽研一套新的印鈔方法,過程需要用到專用的紙張、油墨及打印技術,就像一個瘋狂科學家一樣不斷研究, 從無酸紙、變色油墨、浮水印、模版、歐姆龍環不斷拆解。其中最難的一關就是浮水印的問題, 怎樣也解決不了, 在他快要放棄的時候,居然有一次睡覺做夢得到了一個靈感。夢到了兩張鈔票中夾了一張厚薄剛好的紙,這張紙印著富蘭克林頭像,那三張紙夾在一起。透光的情況下就顯露出中間那張紙的圖像,就跟服浮水印一模一樣。經過重重難關終於成功打印出千萬美元偽鈔,就連專家也無法悉別,這個技術仍然是一個謎,你們憑著手上的線索,正想潛入偽鈔工場嘗試找出這個天才的方程式之際,其中一名隊友身陷險境,危急關頭到底如何突破?超級美鈔之方程式是否能逐一破解?

The post Supernote </br> 神鈔 appeared first on LOST.

Project Ultra 極端計劃 https://losthk.com/rooms/project-ultra-%e6%a5%b5%e7%ab%af%e8%a8%88%e5%8a%83/ Thu, 27 May 2021 09:56:44 +0000 https://losthk.com/?post_type=rooms&p=2683 From 1950 to 1973, CIA was secretly funding a mind control experiment called Project MK-Ultra. The CIA encrypted document shows, the program studies ways to control the mind and to enhance its ability by using drugs, chemicals and radiation through human trials. After the program was exposed to the public, the US government immediately terminated […]

The post Project Ultra </br> 極端計劃 appeared first on LOST.

From 1950 to 1973, CIA was secretly funding a mind control experiment called Project MK-Ultra. The CIA encrypted document shows, the program studies ways to control the mind and to enhance its ability by using drugs, chemicals and radiation through human trials. After the program was exposed to the public, the US government immediately terminated the experiments. Some say the termination was just an act, in fact, the experiments continue to operate till this date and has even become more extreme. This new program is called Project Ultra.

One summer in 2010, people were started missing in a quiet small town. Some said it was caused by a supernatural phenomenon. However, you, who is a believer in science, suspect that it has something to do with the strange building that is located nearby. They say it is a military base, but in fact it is a secret government laboratory. You suspect they have been abducting nearby people for experimentation… One day, your best friend has also gone missing!

Recently, you found that there were medical supplies trucks frequently entering and leaving the heavily guarded military base. You intuitively believe that the two things must be connected, and you are determined to investigate further! You gathered all your friends and decided to save your missing friend. You secretly investigated the nearby vicinities for more than a month and discovered that the guards at the door will temporarily leave their station to transport supplies. The process takes about 45 minutes. You decide to use this 45 minutes gap to sneak into the base and save your friend!

Are the missing people just creating the illusion of disappearance to leave town or is there really a government conspiracy behind this whole incident?

1950到1973年,美國中情局被知情人士揭發暗地裡資助一項改造人類思想的計劃,名為 Project MK-Ultra。於1977年,中情局解密文件顯示,計劃中使用了許多化學、生物和放射性方法來測試如何藉著操縱人的心理狀態,進而影響大腦功能,包括暗中給予藥物和其他化學物質,催眠等各種方式去做實驗 。事件被揭發後,美國政府立即下令終止相關計劃。據說,計劃的終止只是表象,實際一直繼續秘密運行,甚至變得更加瘋狂。 這更瘋狂的實驗名為極端計劃,Project Ultra。

在2010年的某個夏天,一個平靜的小鎮突然有人無故失蹤,鎮上有人說是由鬼怪所致。但相信科學的你,懷疑與那所一直座落在小鎮附近的古怪建築有關。它表面上似是軍事基地,實際上是政府秘密實驗室,計劃把附近的人擄走作實驗之用!某一天,你的最好朋友也失蹤了! 剛巧最近,你發現經常有載有醫療物資的車隊出入那守衛森嚴的軍事基地,你直覺認為兩件事一定有聯繫,你決意深入調查!

你們作為他最好的朋友,為了進行拯救,進行了一個多月的調查,成功發現門口的守衛都會在某段時間暫時離開基地運送物資,運送過程約45分鐘。你們決定利用這個缺口,潛入基地,拯救朋友! 到底失蹤者只是為了自己離開小鎮而製造成失蹤假象?還是真的是政府陰謀?

The post Project Ultra </br> 極端計劃 appeared first on LOST.
